BYU-Idaho Help Guides

Checking Your Admissions Status

Updated on

This will show you how you can check on the status of your application.

Step 1: Open your internet browser and navigate to application website. (We recommend using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari.)

Step 2: Select "Apply to BYU-Idaho’

Step 3: Sign in with the Net ID and password you created

Step 4: Click on "Status." After you click on status you will see that a decision has either been made or it is still processing or being reviewed. If the decision has been made, you can click "View Decision" to see the decision made.

Congratulations! You have successfully seen the status of your application.



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I am facing challenges to apply, please help me with it


I am facing challenges when I apply for BYU Idoho. Please help me with it


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