BYU-Idaho Help Guides

Accepting Your Offer to BYU-Idaho

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We are glad you've decided to come to BYU-Idaho!

Accepting an Admissions Offer

The Admissions Office will send you an email with an admissions decision. You can view your offer status by going to the Office of Admissions page. Within the email, you will find a link directing you to the response page.

NOTE: Campus students will receive a track assignment. Online students will NOT receive a track assignment. However, the wording and steps below will be the same, regardless of your enrollment status. 

Respond to Your Admission Offer

Step 1: Go to the Response Page Link found in your email. You will need to login using the same credentials you used for applying to the University. Once you do that, hit continue.

Step 2: You will be shown scholarships you qualify for. After reviewing those, hit next.

Step 3: You will then be redirected to the semester schedule page. Here you can see information about which track you are on. You can also get information about the track system by selecting the "Learn about BYU-Idaho's Semester Schedule" button or any of the drop down menus. After that, hit next.

Step 4: After viewing your track assignment, you will be able to accept or decline your admissions offer. If you choose to not accept the offer, see this article for further steps.

Step 5: If you accept the offer, you will be taken to the "Select a major" page. Here you can decide to either explore your options in Freshman Focus or select your major now.

Step 6: If you choose to select your major now, a drop down menu will appear with all the majors BYU-I offers. Select your major, then hit "Next"

Step 7: The next page will review everything you have selected so far. After reviewing the information, click on "Begin Next Steps"

Step 8: You will then be directed to the Marital Status page. Here you will input your marital status. After selecting your marital status, hit "Next"

Step 9: After that, you'll be able to set your password. Then, hit "Next"

Your username and password will become active within 1 hour; after which, you will have access to your BYU-Idaho student account. Your student email will become active within 24 hours.

Step 10: Here you will put in account recovery information. After you select a security question, put in an answer, and a control email, hit "Next"

Finally, you will be able to review all the information you entered. After reviewing everything, hit "Submit"

CONGRATULATIONS! You are officially admitted to Brigham Young University - Idaho! Be sure to check out the Current Student Guides for more tutorials on advising, finances, and more.


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