The student fund request tool allows you to be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses.
Step 1: To reimburse a student employee for out-of-pocket expenses, go to the Accounts Payable website.
Step 2: Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the “Funds Request Tool” button on the bottom left and login with your BYU-Idaho Information.
That will take you to the page shown below.
Step 3: Click on “Create New Entry”
That will take you to the actual Student Funds Request.
In Step 1: Initialize Entry:
- Add today’s date in the “Posting Date” section.
- Add an explanation as to why the student is being reimbursed. Example: “Reimbursement of internet charges”.
- Click the drop-down arrow next to “What is the purpose of this request?” and select "Reimburse an out-of-pocket expense."
- Click “Save Entry Details”.
Proceed to Step 2: Add Entry Line Items

In Step 2: Add Entry Line Items
- Enter the cost center number first and then click “Verify”.
- Enter the expense category in the second box. For our purposes, the Expense category is– “I:General and Administrative-Internet Reimbursement”.
- Enter the amount: $X.XX
- Enter the description again “Reimbursement of internet charges.”
- If you have more students to charge, check the “Keep Description” box.
- Click “Save Line Item”.
Once the above steps are finished, you need to look up the I-Number of the student.

Again in Step 2: Add Entry Line Items
- Enter the student’s I-number and click “Verify”.
- Enter the total amount to charge the student (should be the same amount as above).
- Enter the description again if blank.
- If you have more students to charge, you can check the “Keep Description” boxes.
- Click “Save Line Item”.
The next step is to upload the necessary documentation.
Click on the "Add Document" button

Then, select the document supporting the need for reimbursement and click the blue "Add Document" button.
Once the funds request has been submitted, it will send an email to the Director to approve since we are reimbursing the student. Once they approve, it will route to Accounting Services for final approval. If the student has eRefund set up, the funds will be directly deposited into their back account (3 to 5 business days for the funds to show up in the student’s bank account). If the student doesn’t have eRefund set up, then the student will be mailed a check. (Accounting Services is processing checks 2 to 3 times a week during the COVID-19 remote employment)
Congratulations! You have successfully accessed how to reimburse student employees.
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