You need to add your bank account information to your workday so that you can be paid. Please note that these steps only apply to you if you will or have started working for BYU-Idaho.
Step 1: Login to your workday account.
Step 2: Select the "Pay" tab.
Step 3: Select "Payment Elections" under the "View/Update Elections."
Step 4: Select "Add" under "Payment Elections" to add your bank information. You will need to provide your bank account number and routing number. Please ensure that you select which type of bank account it is as well.

Step 5: Confirm that you have added your bank information correctly by referring to the image below. You should be able to see the information saved.
Congratulations! You have successfully added your bank account information. This is where your paychecks will be deposited from the school so that you can be paid.
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