Have you received an email that looks like the image below? This is a Complaint or Grievance.
- A Complaint is informational and may not require immediate action but can be useful to know for future improvements.
- A Complaint can be anonymous and does not require a response.
- A Grievance is when a student wants immediate action to be taken for a situation like unfair academic standing and does require a response.
You can differentiate between the two by reading the first sentence in the email.
To access the details of this Complaint or Grievance, click on the first link in the email.

For more information or clarification on complaints and grievances policy, see the Policy Library.
Processing Complaints and Grievances
Step 1: Find the Requestor. This is the student that submitted the Complaint or Grievance. After clicking on the link in the email, the Requestor box will appear in the top right corner.
Step 2: Find the issue. Scroll down to the bottom of this ticket to the "Description" section.

Step 3: Investigate. Reach out to the student and faculty members (or anyone else involved), before attempting to resolve the grievance.
Step 4: Send a separate email to the student, instructor and any stakeholders that need to know about your final decision. (Respond in the contact style that they put in the "What is the best way to contact you" section).
Step 5: Comment on the ticket about your decision on the case.
Scroll toward the bottom of the ticket and click on the "Comment" button.
Then record your finding and decision and include the copy of the email response to the student. Then click "Save"
Please be sure to complete these steps within 7 days of the initial grievance request.
Congratulations, once you save, the ticket is complete!
With any specific issues, you can contact [email protected] or call us at (209) 496-2901.