Using name tags in your department is a great way to increase the professionalism and credibility of the employees. Follow the steps below to learn how to order name tags for your department!
*Note that it is best to use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome to complete this process. Do not use Internet Explorer.
Step 1: Go to the BYU-Idaho Facilities Management Home Page
Step 2: Click on the link that says "Service Request".
Step 3: Next, click on the option that says "Campus Request". DO NOT use Internet Explorer to enter a Request.
Step 4: This will take you to a page in the TMA Web Systems Application. Fill out the form with your department's information.

Step 5: Add a detailed description in the Action Requested & Cost Center # box. List the number of name tags you need and what names need to be on them. Make sure that the spelling is correct! Include your "Cost Center Number" in the description! See your manager for the Cost Center Number. See an example description below.
Step 6: Click “Submit.” Write down the work order number that pops up when you submit the request for follow up if needed.

Congratulations! You have now ordered name tags.
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