BYU-Idaho Help Guides

Signing Up for Student Activities ( I-Belong App)

Updated on

The I-Belong website has all the activities that happening for the whole semester. Signing up for the activities are super easy! Please follow the steps below to see how you can sign up for an activity.

Step 1: Go to the BYU-Idaho homepage and login.

Step 2: Select "Involvement" and then "Events" on the left, to access the Activity Calendar for the semester.

Step 3: Select the Calendar Icon in the right corner.

Step 4: You should see the Semester Calendar as the image below.

Step 5: You can filter the calendar to the dates you want to sign up for by using the filters in the top right.

Step 6: After filtering to a date of your choice, you can select an activity to sign up for by clicking on the link found on the activity.

Step 7: A new window should have opened to to allow you to register for the activity.

Step 8: This should take you directly to the web page for the activity to register. Every activity page looks different but the register button takes you directly to it.

Please note that you may receive a confirmation email once you have signed up for the activity but not all activities sends out a notification. To verify that you have signed up for the activity, please check you student account calendar. Once you have confirmed that it is in your calendar, then you have successfully signed up for the event. Congrats!


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