BYU-Idaho Help Guides

Setting Up an E-Check to Pay Future Balances: New BYU-I Portal

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E-Checks allow users to make payments to the University directly from their bank account. This method does not charge a convenience fee. Only U.S. bank accounts are accepted for this method.

Step 1: Start by signing in to your BYU-I account. Then navigate to the widgets on your homepage.

Step 2: Find the 'Balances' widget and select 'Make Payment'.

This will take you to your student CashNET portal. Here you can see any balances you owe and recent payments.

Step 3: Next, select 'My Account' from the left side of the screen.

Step 4: The middle of the screen will have different sections. Under the "Payment Methods" section, select "Add Payment Method". You will then be directed to input account information. To make a payment while also adding a new bank account to your account, see below.

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