Sometimes it is necessary to change your major so you can earn the degree that best suits you, your needs, and your interests. These steps will show you how to change it.
NOTE: Major changes must be made the TUESDAY before the week school starts in order to have financial aid reflect program applicable credits.
Scroll to the last section, titled "Major Change Deadlines" of the Dates and Deadlines page for exact deadlines. To change your minor or cluster select see Adding / Changing a Minor or Cluster
Step 1: Go to and log into your account.
Step 2: Select the "My Grad Planner" option in the Registration box.
Step 3: In the new page, select "BYUI | Campus & Online" to access your Grad Plan.
Step 4: In the new page select "GRAD PLANNER" in order to continue.
Step 5: As you enter your Grad Planner, you will see your current Declared Plan. Below, select "Create Alternate Plan"
Step 6: Click on "Edit Major"
Step 7: On the search bar, type in the name of the degree that you would like to change to.
Step 8: Choose your "Degree Type" between a Bachelor or Associates.
Step 9: Click "Select" next to the degree that you would like to choose.
Step 10: To see more detailed information about each of the listed majors, simply click on the name of the major highlighted in blue.
*If you're not sure what major to explore, click on "Visit Career Exploration" for help knowing what major fits your interests
*If you are wanting to graduate as soon as you can, click on the "Shortest Path" button to see the majors that would required the least amount of time and credits to complete with the credits you already have
Step 11: After selecting your major, you will need to choose the "Catalog Year." Select the Catalog Year that best fits your academic and career goals.
*If you are unsure of which Catalog Year to choose, please contact Academic Advising at 208-496-9800.
Step 12: Choose Start Planning.
Step 13: Create a name for your plan.
Step 14: Click on "OK" to start planning your classes.

Step 15: In the new page, you will be able to start arranging your classes as you would like to take them. Select the down arrows to view and plan your classes by year or "View Single Semester" to plan a single semester of classes.
Step 16: In order to change your major, you will need to click the green button "Make This My Declared Plan".
Step 17: When you have completed your new grad plan, click on the green "Validate" button, and your major will officially be changed. Some Application Only Majors will require your Grad Plan to be submitted to an Advisor for approval before it can be Declared.
Congratulations! You have now changed your major.
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