Note: If you are wanting to order an Official Transcript, please follow the steps below. If you are wanting to view your Unofficial Transcript, see Viewing Your Unofficial Transcripts.
For information in the difference between Official and Unofficial Transcripts, see Official or Unofficial. You will need to have linked your Church and school accounts in order to log-in.
We can't wait to help you order your transcript easily from home!
Step 1: Please go to
Step 2: Now select "Order Official Transcript" to continue.

Step 3: Answer the question that applies to you.
Step 4: You will be required to login to your account. If you do not remember your login information, you can recover your username and reset your password on the sign in page or see "How do I get a BYU-Idaho username or password for a new student or alumni?" found in Username & Password FAQs

5. Select “Order a Transcript”

6. The page automatically redirects you to parchment.
7. When you get to the Parchment website you will need to create a Parchment account. Account creation is only required the first time you order your transcript
7b.Continue entering your personal information
7c. Click "Continue" then fill out the additional information section.
8. After creating your account, select “Order Transcript”
9. Select your delivery destination by using the search bar or the link at the bottom
Shipping Options:
- Electronic transcripts = $1.85
- Delivered within 24 hours
- Paper mailed transcripts = $4.35
- Delivered in 7-10 days
- Pick-up transcripts at SRR office = $12
- Available same day
- Pick up: KIM190
- FedEx Domestic overnight transcripts = $33.85
- International mail delivery = $7.25
- International FedEx overnight = $59.85

Continue with the request by entering the item details and submitting payment
CONGRATULATIONS! Your transcripts have been ordered! You can check on the status of your transcript order. For steps, see Checking Status of Ordered Transcript.
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