This article will help you request an I-card. This card is a form of school identification, currency, and can be used to gain access to buildings.
Step 1: To request an I-card you must first go to the school's website and enter "I-Card" in the search engine.
Step 2: Select the first option that comes up:
Step 3: Using the Financial Services page select "On- Campus Students".
Step 4: This will lead you to the Student Express page with options. Select the Request an I-card option.
Step 5: Upload an appropriate picture of yourself, then request your I-card.
There will be a team that reviews and approves the picture. As they are approved, your card will be printed and you will receive an email in your school email saying that the I-Card can be picked up at student express in the Manwaring Center.
After the first two weeks of school I- cards can be picked up at Kimball 130.
Congratulations! You just submitted a request for your I-card.
Mindy Rountree
Can I remote student obtain an I-card? In California there is free bus fare with student ID. There is also discounts for museums.
K Cooper
I have the same question as above. I am a remote student, but with ID would be illegible for free/reduced fare.