Do you have private insurance and want to avoid paying for the Student Health Plan each semester? Follow these steps to waive the Student Health Plan and save money.
Step 1: Go to the BYU-Idaho Website and search "Insurance Waiver"
Step 2: Click on the "Student Health Plan" link
Step 3: Click on the tab labeled "Forms" and click on the "Student Health Plan Waiver"
Step 4: Fill out the Student Health Plan Waiver and then click "Agree To This Document"
Step 5: (FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ONLY) Send an email to [email protected] with a copy of your insurance card (front and back), receipts showing payment for each month of the current semester, benefit summary page showing monthly premium, enrollment status, coverage dates, and proof of insurance activation dates.
Congratulations! Once those steps are complete you have successfully submitted your Student Health Plan Waiver!
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