For students who have a PDUE hold and would like to sign up for a payment plan:
- Login to mybyui and click on the balances widget.
- Click on the "Make a Payment" button.
- At the bottom of the page, it will ask if you would like to enroll in a payment plan. Click on it.

- A page will appear showing all charges owed on the account, with an option to choose a 3-month, 6-month or 10-month plan. A breakdown of what the payment will be each month will accompany the plan.

- After selecting a plan that works for you, a disclosure statement and agreement form will pop up. After reading it, hit accept.

- After that, you will be shown a screen with how much is due, including the one-time $20.00 enrollment fee.

- After clicking continue, you will see a payment screen. Here you can pay with either a bank account, credit card, or 529 savings account.

- After entering your payment information, you will have the option to set up auto pay with the same payment method.

- Once the payment is finished, you will be sent back to the home screen where you can view that you are enrolled in a payment plan and when your next payment is due.
Congratulations! You are now signed up for a payment plan!
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