Accepting or declining your federal loans is very easy to do!
Step 1: Log in to
Step 2: Select the Finance tab under tools and select Financial Aid Portal.

Step 3: You will be brought to your Student Portal dashboard. Click on "Review & Accept Financial Aid"
Step 4: Select Review and Update under the Loans section

Step 5: Depending on whether you want to accept the full amount, decline the full amount, or accept a portion of the amount, follow the corresponding step below:
1. If you would like to accept the full gross amount, select the Accept the Full Gross Amount Available option.
2. If you would like to decline the full gross amount, select the Decline the Full Gross Amount Available option. (The loan will not show if the loan has been declined. It will only show the Accepted/Offered status. If the loan has been declined, it will disappear from the portal. If you are still undetermined about accepting the loan, do not decline it, just leave it as offered so you can still view the loan.)
3. If you would like to accept a specific gross amount, select the Accept a Specific Gross Amount option. If you choose this option, input the amount in the box below the option.
Step 6: Click "Save Changes"
Step 7: If a student wants to accept a previously declined loan, they can log into their Financial Aid portal and accept their loan by following the steps below:
a) Go to the declined Loan
b) Accept the Full Gross Amount or Specific Amount
Good job! You now know how to accept or decline your federal loan offers!
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