A deferment allows a campus student to skip an on-track semester at BYU-Idaho without losing their admitted status.
Step 1: To request a deferment, go to Deferment Options and choose the type of deferment that best fits your situation.
Step 2: After clicking on the deferment option that best fits you, select the green "Defer Now" button on the right to start the process.

Step 3: The "Before you Defer" page that comes up will walk you through things to check before deferring.

Step 4: Once you have reviewed all these items, select the green "Begin Deferment" button and you will see a questionnaire to fill out.
Step 5: The last page should provide a summary of your information to review. If the information is correct, click the blue "Submit" button. (If you don't have this button, please contact us to be connected with an Admissions Specialist.)

Congratulations you have now submitted your deferment request! 😀👍
You can expect an email response to your BYUI email once your request is processed and a decision is made.
If you are an International Student attending on campus or have additional questions, please see Deferments
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