Before you can register for a new semester, you will need to first make sure there are no active holds on your account. One of the most common holds preventing registration is the financial responsibility hold. Follow the steps below to learn how to resolve the hold.
Step 1: First, log in to your BYU-Idaho account and hover on registration to select "Add/Drop Courses".
Step 2: Next, scroll down to the Registration section. Below your registration date and time, it will show any active holds on your account. Click on the "Resolve" button under the Financial Responsibility hold.

Step 3: Read the Tuition Refund Notice and click the box which acknowledges you agree to the statements.

Step 4: Read the Financial Responsibility statements and click the box which acknowledges you agree to them.

Step 5: Click the blue button which says "Save Acknowledgments".

Step 6: Finally, back on the Student tab, click the orange "Refresh Holds" button so the Financial Responsibility will disappear from your holds.

Congratulations! Now you know how to resolve financial responsibility holds!
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