If you are married to a non-student, you can still create a BYU-I account for them.
Step 1: Sign in to my.byui.edu
Step 2: Click on "Info" under Tools and select "My Demographic Profile"

Step 3: Next, click "Change" to the right of "Marital Status".

Step 4: If your spouse is a non-student, you will have the option to create an account for them.
Step 5: You will need to fill out the required information and select "Create & Print Form" before continuing.
Step 6: You will then need to upload pictures of the requested "Create Non-Student Spouse Account" and "Marriage License" Forms. You will first be shown a sample then asked to upload their own images.
Step 7: Lastly, you confirm the information is correct before selecting "Finished."

If you then choose not to create an account for your non-student spouse, you will need to follow the normal process for changing your Marital Status, starting with requesting your desired status change.
Step 1: Upload the required documents.
Step 2: Lastly, confirm your information is correct and then select "Finished."
Congratulations!! You have added your spouse!!!
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