OneStop is a place to ask questions, find answers, see FAQs and submit requests.
Here are a few things you might not know...
This is the OneStop Home page. You can access it at
At the top of the screen, you can use the search bar to search for your issue using key words.

The globe on the left side of the search bar can narrow your search results to certain categories. You can also use the other tools provided to find your answer manually.
Underneath the search bar is a black toolbar with links to helpful places on the website.
- Contact Us will bring you to a page with the BYU-Idaho help number, email, live chat information, and address. The hours for these services are also provided.
- Popular Articles takes you to articles that other students have been viewing frequently.
- Services shows you a list of request forms that you can submit to the university.
- Knowledge Base leads to the school's database of helpful information.
- Questions will bring you to all of the questions that students have asked along with BYU-Idaho's responses.
Towards the middle of the Home screen, there are several images.

- Guides and Tutorials connects you to walkthroughs and tutorials for the university's most common issues.
- Search all Information leads to the school's database of helpful information.
- Student Wellness leads you to a category of articles
- Ask a Community Question allows you to ask a general question and get a response for all students to see.
- Submit a Personal Request allows you to ask a question privately (other students won't see it).
Underneath these images, there are different additional tools to answer your questions

- Admissions, Finances, Registration, Tutoring, and Employee helps will take you to all of the questions/answers related to that topic.
- Technology Support connects you to the Technology Support page where you can find basic technology help guides, submit a help request, or contact Technology Support.
- See Recent Questions allows you to see questions asked by other students along with their answers.
The Trending Questions section shows the current hot topics other students are asking about.

You can leave feedback for the OneStop portal using the feedback button on the left-hand side of the Home page.

If you have feedback to leave after using our services, we would love to hear it!
You can also leave feedback for specific Knowledge Base articles:

- Scroll down to the bottom of the article
- Select yes or no
- Leave a comment- please make it as specific as possible!
- Click Submit
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