BYUI Privacy settings allow you to specify what information can and cannot be given out and who it can be given to.
Follow these steps to adjust your privacy settings!
Step 1: Sign in to
Step 2: Select the "My Demographic Profile" under the Info tab.
Step 3: On the right side of the screen under the Related Links section, select the "Student Directory Display Options"
Step 4: To set the more restrictive privacy blocks, click on the "Data Privacy Block" link

Step 5: Follow the instructions on this page to set the privacy block that fits your needs.
There are two types of privacy blocks that a student can opt to place on their account.
- Completely Restrictive:The university cannot give ANY information on the student.
- Somewhat Restrictive:The university can only confirm he/she is a student.
On this page there is a "Caution!" The caution is to warn and inform you that, opting for a block will prevent everyone including you from obtaining any information and assistance by phone, email, or chats. Once you select any of these options, you will have to come in person and verify your identity to get the needed assistance.
Congratulations! You can change your privacy restrictions.
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