*Note: the offers and information you see in these screen shots are examples only and do not reflect your personal offers.
Review this article to see financial aid that has been offered to you.
Step 1: Go to my.byui.edu and login to your BYU-Idaho account.
Step 2: Select the Finance tab under tools and select Financial Aid Portal.
Step 3: You will be brought to the STUDENT PORTAL dashboard.
Step 4: Viewing Offers
There will be two options you can choose from. Both will take you to the correct page:
1. The Financial Aid tab on the left side of the portal
2. The Review & Accept Financial Aid link in the center of the dashboard in the Financial Aid box
Step 5: Select the correct Academic Year from the drop down menu in the middle of the page to view offered aid for a specific semester.
When viewing Gift Aid, it will show:
- The type of aid given
- The semesters which they will be applied to
- The amounts for each semester
- The gross and net amounts (these amounts will be the same)

When viewing Loans, it will show:
- The type of loans offered
- The semesters which they will be applied to
- The amounts for each semester
- The gross amount (total amount of loan you will have to repay)
- The net amount (amount of loan you will receive: gross amount - origination fee)
- Info on maximum eligibility
When you click on a certain semester under Gift Aid or Loans it will bring up a pop-up box
The pop-up box will show you more details about the aid you were given, such as the amount of aid given to you.
Congratulations, you can now view your financial aid offers!
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